All posts by Landlord

Pubcast 388 – Fox Republic Brewing

This episode we are down in Yorkville IL, and one of the newest breweries to open in the Chicagoland area, Fox Republic Brewing. Of course, it was a shoe-in getting an interview here as the Brewmaster and General Manager is one of my co-hosts on the podcast, Ken McMullen. Joining him is his brewer, Sam Walstaff, who we are christening “The Tallest Man in Brewing”, coming in at a fine 6′ 9″!!

FRB has been open for just over two weeks at the time of recording and has shown themselves to have great promise for solid beers served in a great space with a community spirit. The Brit chats with Ken and Sam about the process of opening a new brewery and their approach to the opening days.

Of course we sample some of the styles available, of which there should be something to suit all palates. It’s an exhausting process opening a new brewery and these guys have been working 7 days a week to bring Yorkville and exciting new gathering space. It’s worth a visit, so head on out there! Cheers!

Beers Sampled:

  • Button Factory, Kolsch, 5.5% ABV
  • Confessions of The Fox, collab w/ Church Street Brewing, English Pub Ale , 4.3% ABV
  • Floating West, West Coast IPA
  • Tequila Seltzers, fruit flavors, 4.5% ABV

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Pubcast 387 – Kishwaukee Brewing Company

McHenry County in northern Illinois, is home to several great craft breweries, all of which you can check out on the McHenry Co. Craft Beverage Trail. This week we are visiting one of the two located in Woodstock IL, Kishwaukee Brewing who recently won a silver medal for their Bufflehead Brown Ale at the 2023 World Beer Cup.

Kishwaukee Brewing Co., is the pride of founders and owners, Dan and Cara Payson, and we visited with Dan and his head brewer, Mark Gres, to find out a little more about their success. Joining me for this interview was my co-host, Ken McMullen from Fox Republic Brewing, who may have assisted in starting the career of one of Kishwaukee’s  future employees…more on that in the interview.

We talk with Dan and Mark about how their brewing careers started, and how they came to join forces at Kishwaukee to produce classic, award-winning beers. Dan’s approach has got them through building the brewery at the start of the pandemic, then opening after the first shutdown, only to be closed a week later with the second one. All that being in the past, they have emerged from those dark days, and are moving into a strong position as a producer of great beers in the Illinois craft beer scene. Their tap room is a wonderful space, as is the outdoor patio, and you won’t be disappointed when you make a visit!

We must offer our apologies to Mark, who apparently had a mic which had ‘technical difficulties’ and caused him to sound like he was at the other end of the brewery. We’ve done our best to improve his sound in post-production, so hopefully it won’t detract too much from the conversation!

Beers Sampled:

  • Bufflehead Brown Ale, American Brown Ale, 6.8% ABV
  • Sandhill Lager, India Pale Lager, 5.5% ABV
  • Tart Peach Saison, Wild Saison, 5.5% ABV
  • Pollinator, Doppelbock, 7.7% ABV

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Pubcast 386 – Getting Our Kicks on Rt 66 at Old School Brewing

We jump in the car and head south to Route 66 in Wilmington, IL., where located on an island between the Kankakee River and the Mill Race channel is Old School Brewing. Paul ‘Pauly’ Bidne is the head brewer there, and we chat with him about his brewery which can literally be described as an ‘old school’ tap room/brewery producing great beers and full of friendly people and lively chat!

Pauly was a home brewer (and ex-plumber) and now one of many who have turned to brewing professionally, and learned his craft at Flossmoor Station brewery. He talks to us about his beers, and some of other stories are the friendly rivalry with the lads at Metal Monkey Brewing, OSB’s relationship with Unpossible Mead, brewing NA beers and craft sodas, and some of the challenges of keeping up with beer production on a small system.

Pauly is one of the characters we love in the craft beer industry and we encourage you to take that trip down Rt 66 to visit OSB and try his beers, especially the California Common!  Cheers!

Beers Sampled:

  • Wildcat, Cream Ale · 5.5% ABV
  • If We Build It, IPA · 6.5% ABV
  • Whatcha Gonna Do, California Common · 5.0% ABV
  • Mango Is Our Middle Name, Berliner Weisse · 3.9% ABV
  • Malty Monkey, English Mild · 5.8% ABV
  • Sax Solo, Saison · 7.0% ABV

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Brit and Yankee Special Announcement – Brewer Revealed!

All of us at the podcast are just cock-a-hoop to post this announcement!
Yorkville’s much-anticipated Fox Republic Brewing Co. is scheduled to open in the next couple of months, but who will be brewing the suds has been kept under wraps!
Well folks, it’s time to reveal the mystery is over, and it’s congrats to my good chum and co-host, Ken McMullen!!

Ken will be leaving his role as head brewer at Hopvine Brewery in Aurora, and starting the next chapter in his distinguished career by joining the team at FRBC in Yorkville, IL. where he will not only be leading the brewing operations, but also acting as the General Manager at the latest brewery to open in the Fox River corridor.

We wish Ken all the best for the future, and look forward to heading down there to sample the first batch of brews!! Cheers matey!!!

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