To celebrate the opening of yet another Chicago suburban brewery, we went down to the grand opening of Metal Monkey Brewing, in Romeoville.
There we spoke with the Simian Overlord himself, Dan Camp, and discovered some of the background to how they came into production mode. Joined by Brett Smith, the VP of BS, and later the third in the brewing trio, Jason Janes, Director of Hops, Malt & Awesomeness, this podcast provides a flavor for their first beer offerings and the excitement of opening day!
Phil (USBrit) is joined by Jon Harlson and Tom Ryan who pass comment on their premier beers. We’ll be back later to explore the brew crew’s style and philosophy in more detail, but for now enjoy this special edition of the pubcast!
Category Archives: Music
Pubcast 167 – Warnog!
For your post-Thanksgiving listening pleasure, Lingo and Phil get together while Mark’s away and they sample Klingon Warnog, Hoppin’ Frog Hop Heathen, and 51st Ward’s Whiskey Hill. Tune in and hear the banter, and we also have the band Alltunators on the pub stage!
Klingon Warnog Roggen Dunkle Ale, brewed under contract by Tin Man Brewing, Evansville IN.
Hoppin’ Frog Hop Heathen Imperial Black IPA
51st Ward, Whiskey Hill, Rye Porter, Hoops and Staves Collection
Pubcast 165 – The Yankee Returns!
Lingo is back in the house! He joins Mark and I, and also Chuck Fort from Church Street to taste some incredible beers.
We start at Pollyanna with their Orenda Volume 2: Belgian-style Quadrupel Ale, then head into our Style of the Week, Imperial Stouts. The first one is the Hubbard’s Cave Imperial Coffee Stout, and the second is Boulevard Brewing‘s 2015 Imperial Stout with Aztec Chocolate. The Landlord is told he should have had a baseline Imperial Stout with nothing added, so next week we will have an Addendum!

We visit to Civil Life Brewing in Tower Grove, MO, part of our St. Louis interview series, and find out about their brewing style.
We finish with one of the best brews we have had in a long time – Katy from 2nd Shift Brewing, New Haven, MO. It’s a beer brewed with Brettanomyces Lambicus and it drinks like a wine!

On the pub stage this week, from Railway Records, is a band called Wandering Dirt.

Pubcast 164 – O’Fallon Brewery
The pub staff recently took a trip to St. Louis to visit some of the plethora of craft breweries in our neighboring state.
In this episode, we meet Brian Owens, head brewer at O’Fallon, and explore their new production facility, and hear about some of his brewing philosophy.
Also, our Style of the Week is American Pale Ale, and we discuss some style notes and sample a couple of examples from Ballast Point and Brickstone Brewing.
And finally, we have opened our new pub stage, in association with Railway Records, and we present this week, Midwestern Lull – the first of many independent bands we will feature. Grab a good pint of your favorite brew and listen in!