Our friend of the show, Deb, or as she now prefers to be known ‘Hop Mama’, has returned from travels in Illinois and brings a selection of brewery offerings that may not have been on most folks tasting lists. Joining us is Illinois beer historian, John Bittermann and he brings a couple of cans of the Illinois Bicentennial beer. John Karwoski is on hand, and last but certainly not least is head brewer at Hopvine Brewing, Ken McMullen to provide our technical expertise. (Sorry about the two John’s sound quality – technical difficulties!)
The first Europeans to visit Illinois were the French explorers Louis Jolliet and Jacques Marquette in 1673, but the region was ceded to Britain after the French and Indian War. After the American Revolution, Illinois became a territory of the United States, and achieved statehood in 1818, so this is a celebratory year.
We have a six-pack of beers that culminate with the winning beer from the Illinois Bicentennial Craft Beer Competition. There’s plenty of controversy over one brewery, and plenty of thumbs in all positions when we rate each one, going to prove that everyone has a different palate and you should always try new beers, then drink what you like! It’s a while since we did an extended show, but we were having a good time tasting and chatting, and what better topic than Illinois brews. So stick around and hear what we think of beers from the heart of Illinois, and some interesting facts about Illinois.
We also did a live Facebook feed while we reviewed the Wee Heavenly Scotch Ale, so here’s a link to that video. And also, The Brit extends an invitation to Governor Rauner to come on down and visit the Brit and Yankee Pub and have a beer with us!

And right at the end an announcement about a beer we’ll be brewing with Ken at Hopvine to celebrate the Royal Wedding!
Beers Reviewed:
Destihl Brewing, Bloomington, Normal Pils, ABV 5%, IBU 38 (Thumbs – 2 Up, 3 Sideways) Main Street Brewing, Belleville IL, Vanilla Bean Coffee Juele, Blond Ale, ABV 4.5%, IBU 10 (Thumbs – 3 Up 2 Sideways)
Lionstone Brewing, Geneseo IL, Peanut Butter Back 40 Wheat Ale, ABV 4% (Thumbs – 1 Up, 2 Down, 2 Sideways)
Rolling Meadows Farm Brewery, Cantrall IL, Abe’s Ale, Maple Brown Ale, 8.5% (Thumbs – 4 Up, 1 Sideways)
Hand of Fate Brewing, Petersburg IL, Wee Heavenly, Scotch Ale, ABV 9.8%, IBU 22 (Thumbs – 5 Up)
1818 Prairie State Farmhouse Ale, Saison, ABV 5.5%, IBU 28 (Thumbs – 4 Up, 1 Sideways)
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