Hops At Home: Ep. 17 – Eric and Jason, Riverlands Brewing

We couldn’t let this series of video-casts go by without checking in with our pals at Riverlands Brewing in St. Charles, IL. So, after a full brewing day, co-founder/head brewer Eric Bramwell was happy to sit down and have a virtual beer and a chat! Joining him, and doing the ‘tech’ side of things, was co-founder and marketing wiz, Jason Arges.

The video-cast crew was once again, Ken, Jay, and The Brit, who were anxious to hear about an event that is a positive sign during these times, where Riverlands just installed some new equipment to expand their production. And of course, we ask to see their beer fridge, but this time it’s the big cooler, and it needs to start to get filled again from the output of the new fermenters! Apologies to Jason as we’ve taken some liberties with his thoughts while Eric was waxing lyrical!! These guys rock, and seem to be doing it right!

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