Hops At Home: Ep.19 – High Octane Crew, 93 Octane Brewery

One of the last audio podcasts we recorded was in February of this year, just before the Covid-19 lock-down, and it was with a new brewery in the western suburbs, 93 Octane in St. Charles, IL. Packed into a small corner of a strip mall, there is nothing small about their beers, brewer, and ambition.

Nick ‘The Wiz’ Wisniewski is head brewer, and has a top pedigree coming from Chicago’s Off Color Brewing to show off his styles here in the suburbs. Joining him on this episode is Brewery Director, Chris Peckat, and new employee of 3 days, Nick Ford, which shows much promise for a positive outlook to the future in these times.

We chat about their beers, pay a visit to Chris’s beer fridge, and find out what they are streaming to pass the time during lock-down. Joining The Brit is Ken McMullen and Jay Rosicky, making it a challenging 6-way call, but we hope you’ll enjoy it and drink a beer with us all on this virtual happy hour!

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