Hops At Home: Ep. 21 – Doug and Katie of Sew Hop’d Brewing

It’s a Saturday Special today as we check out how business is doing at another brewery who had to postpone their anniversary celebrations because of the pandemic. This time it’s Huntley’s ‘Hometown Brewery’, Sew Hop’d, and the crew visit with taproom manager Katie Hofmann, and head brewer, Doug Van de Walker. McHenry county has a growing number of noted breweries and SHB opened their doors just over a year ago, and it snowed that day. For their first anniversary it was going to be a delayed celebration to avoid this happening, but little did they think that chance would play another hand to delay their plans.

Situated in a part of the historic Union Sewing Machine building, Doug has worked there for 35 years, and through his home brewing expertise, he persuaded the owners of USM to transform part of the building into a craft brewery, and then took the reins as head brewer. Katie Hofmann has been involved in the craft beer industry for several years and jumped at the opportunity to manage the front of house operations.

Together they have created a unique brewery experience, and Sew Hop’d is producing excellent brews, these days only available via curbside pickup. With summer approaching, it’s worth an expedition to McHenry and a visit to Sew Hop’d – they’ll have plenty of beer waiting for you in cans and bottles!

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