Hops At Home: Ep. 22 – Re-Opening with Kevin Abbott, Barrel of Monks Brewing

Florida released their restaurants and breweries from lock-down last week, allowing at least 25% capacity initially, and now up to 50% as we recorded. How did this work out, and did the people actually go out, or were they cautious? The video-cast team decided to call on a friend of the show from a brewery in Boca Raton, and find out.

In this episode, ex-brewer and now Operations VP, Kevin Abbott from Barrel of Monks Brewing, enjoys a Happy Hour brew in his leather chair at the brewery, and tells the lads what happened, and potentially what we can expect here in Illinois, given the announcement by the governor regarding patio openings in June.

You may remember that Kevin came to Church Street Brewing last year for a collaboration brew and a couple of podcasts (Ep. 329330). BOM brews Belgian-style beers, and produces some of the best in the country, with special editions for their Reserve Society and an annual Grand Cru release, and when we ask Kevin to show us his beer fridge, he opens up the ‘Cadillac’ of fridges containing aging brews from the time they opened.

Thanks to Kevin for taking his time to talk to us, and we highly recommend visiting or obtaining their beers! Cheers to drinking again!

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