It’s vacation time for the staff of the Brit and Yankee, so we are filling in with a couple of short shows containing Instant Brew Reviews. Mark and Phil come across a variety of brews on their travels, and we’d like to share them with you, and give you our opinions and comments on them. If you come across them as well, drop us a line at and we’d like to hear your thoughts as well. Cheers!
Backpocket Brewing Co., 903 Quarry Road, Coralville, Iowa 52241
German Dark Lager – 5.3% ABV
Brewery Description: This beer pours bright with a deep amber hue. The aroma is dominated by malty bread notes and contains little, to no, hop character. A significant roasted maltiness is clearly present in the flavor, with a balancing sweetness on the back end.
Six Mile Bridge Brewing, 11841 Dorsett Rd, Maryland Heights, MO 63043
Bavarian Hefeweizen
Brewery Description: Brewed true to its Bavarian roots, this light and refreshing unfiltered wheat beer boasts of banana and clove flavors with subtle hints of vanilla and citrus.
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