This episode has a bittersweet air about it, as we record out Christmas Show at John’s Tavern in Winfield, but alas for the last time. After 96 years of serving good beer, John’s is closing their doors for good on Dec 23.
We have assembled a cast of friends, listeners, brewers and craft beer afficienados to celebrate the last remote podcast recording at our favorite tavern meeting place, and what better timing than our annual Christmas party.
The Brit and Yankee is bringing their usual Magnums of Anchor Steam Christmas Ale, and we asked our guests to bring their own choices for a seasonal brew.
Tom Ryan brings Bells Christmas Ale, Ken McMullen supplies a bomber of Three Floyds Alpha Klaus, Kevin Herbst brings a local brew from Metal Monkey, and our good friend and listener Tim Stephenson surprises us with an antique bottle of Hoppin’ Frog Frosted Frog. Joining the fun is Lisa Gregor, co-owner of Church Street Brewing, and Chet Brett, the tallest man in craft brewing slips in right at the end!
Brews we sample and enjoy:
Bells Christmas Ale, Scotch Ale, 7.5%
Three Floyds Alpha Klaus, American Christmas Porter, 6% ABV
Metal Monkey, Asmodeus Maple Syrup Variant, 12% ABV
Hopping Frog Frosted Frog Christmas Ale, 8.6%
Anchor Steam Christmas Ale 2017, 6.7%
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