Our final episode in this series takes us 10 miles west of Boise to Nampa ID, and a brewery that has helped revitalize the downtown area, and restored one of the oldest buildings to be a great community meeting place. 2C Family Brewing holds a special place in the heart of our roving correspondent, Mark Naski, as they have collaborated with our own Church Street Brewing to produce Idaho versions of Karma Kolsch and Heavenly Helles. Dan Shamy is the brewer who Mark has teamed up with, and together with founder Alvin Mullins, we chat to them about the styles they are producing on their 10-barrel decoction system. Dan and Alvin tell us about the drinking palates out there in Idaho, and how they see the direction and growth of their market.
The Brit is joined for this final edition in the Boise Zoom series by co-host Ken McMullen, and this one is actually recorded from the Ken’s brewhouse at Hopvine Brewing. Many thanks to Dan and Alvin, and all the brewers for their time and brews, and thanks again to Mark for setting it all up! Cheers!
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