Glen Ellyn IL is home to The Beer Cellar, one of the first craft beer bottle shops in the area, and less than a block away is Glen Ellyn’s intriguingly-named craft brewpub, Two Hound Red. Steve Woertendyke has been the head brewer there for 3 years and has managed to provide a well-balanced variety of brews that will be sure to suit everyone’s palate.
The Brit and Yankee team of The Brit and co-host Ken McMullen, were long overdue for a visit, so we rectified that this week and headed out to sit down and chat with Steve in the soon to be full of barrels, barrel room. We talked a week ahead of their Oktoberfest celebration, so his fest marzen and the companion smoked marzen started off our interview in great style. Steve and Ken worked together many years ago at the long-defunct Limestone Brewing, so it was nice to get the two old chums together again for some pub chat!
As a full brewpub with an extensive restaurant menu, we feel 2HR is definitely worth a visit so you can judge for yourselves…Cheers!
Beers Sampled:
- Angel of Lite, American Lager, 4.1% ABV
- Steel Machete, Mexican Lager, 5.5% ABV
- Oktoberfest, Marzen-style, 5.0% ABV
- Smokektoberfest, Smoked Marzen-style, 6.0% ABV
- Pale Horse, IPA, 6.4% ABV
- Boathouse, IPA, 6.0% ABV
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